
"Dear Calgary Drivers" is a blog dedicated to the asshat motorists of Calgary & surrounding area. If you've driven even 5 minutes in this city, you know that it's full of certifiably retarded human beings operating motor vehicles at will. The mission of this blog is to perhaps offer a bit of "tough love", and help get some of our motorists out of the short bus category.


Trip Planning

My apologies ... it's been a while since my last post. I essentially go into hiding whenever Stampede rolls around, because, well, I simply hate Stampede.  I could create a dedicated blog to how much I hate the Calgary Stampede (I hate it enough that I won't even link to it) I'll just move along to my intended rant for the day.

Trip Planning.  Sounds like something someone would do when they are embarking on a lengthy vacation.  However, it's something people should do on a daily basis...and Calgarians clearly don't.  It's really a simple concept ... KNOW WHERE YOU'RE GOING.  I could probably direct this towards tourists and out-of-towners somewhat, but I'll give them a pass.  Even in this day-in-age where we have GPS units and smart phones, it's still not that easy to navigate around a brand new city.

For the locals, however, this should be common sense.  Now, I'm not exactly saying that Calgary motorists don't actually know where they're going...they simply don't drive like they do.  Examples?  People who pass you on the left, and then abruptly cut back to the right across multiple lanes to make a right-hand turn, or to take an off-ramp onto another roadway.  This drives me bananas.  If you know that the exit you need to take is 500m on the right...STAY IN THE RIGHT FUCKING LANE.  Unless I missed a city-wide email that the Cannonball Run is eternally underway in Calgary, there's no race to be won.  You're not going to get a trophy because you weaved around the vehicle in front of you.  I honestly think that the traffic flow in this city would be improved greatly if the idiot motorists simply used their brain and thought about their intended route ahead of time.

If you really want a good example of how to do it a trucker.  Those guys have to take a lot of things into account while driving...such as having to make wide turns, as well as needing a lot of space to change lanes.  You'll never see a big rig make a pass on the left if they intend on exiting to the right shortly thereafter.  They're smart enough to move over to the right a few kilometres before they intend to exit/turn.